Publications from 2008 to now


Smetacek, V, Klaas, C, Strass, VH, Assmy, P, Montresor, M, Cisewski, B, Savoye, N, Webb, A, D'Ovidio, F, Arrieta, JM, Bathmann, U, Bellerby, R, Berg, GM, Croot, P, Gonzalez, S, Henjes, J, Herndl, G, Hoffmann, LJ, Leach, H, Losch, M, Mills, MM, Neill, C, Peeken, I, Röttgers, R, Sachs, O, Sauter, E, Schmidt, MM, Schwarz, J, Terbrüggen, A & Wolf-Gladrow, D 2012, 'Deep carbon export from a Southern Ocean iron-fertilized diatom bloom', Nature, vol. 487, no. 7407, pp. 313-319.

Thomas, H, Craig, S, Greenan, B, Burt, W, Herndl, G, Higginson, S, Salt, L, Shadwick, E & Urrego-Blanco, J 2012, 'Direct observations of diel biological CO2 fixation on the Scotian Shelf, northwestern Atlantic Ocean', Biogeosciences, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 2301-2309.


Swan, BK, Martinez-Garcia, M, Preston, C, Sczyrba, A, Woyke, T, Lamy, D, Reinthaler, T, Poulton, NJ, Masland, EDP, Gomez, ML, Sieracki, ME, DeLong, EF, Herndl, G & Stepanauskas, R 2011, 'Potential for Chemolithoautotrophy Among Ubiquitous Bacteria Lineages in the Dark Ocean', Science, vol. 333, no. 6047, pp. 1296-1300.

Jiao, NZ, Herndl, G, Hansell, DA, Benner, R, Kattner, G, Wilhelm, SW, Kirchman, DL, Weinbauer, MG, Luo, TW, Chen, F & Azam, F 2011, 'The microbial carbon pump and the oceanic recalcitrant dissolved organic matter pool', Nature Reviews. Microbiology, vol. 9, 555.


Amaral-Zettler, L, Artigas, LF, Baross, J, Bharathi P.A., L, Boetius, A, Chandramohan, D, Herndl, G, Kogure, K, Neal, P, Pedrós-Alió, C, Ramette, A, Schouten, S, Stal, L, Thessen, A, Leeuw, JD & Sogin, M 2010, A Global Census of Marine Microbes. in A McIntyre (ed.), Life in the World's Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance. Wiley-Blackwell, New York, pp. 221-245.