Core Research Expeditions 2001-2019

Data from Thomas Reinthaler© and GEBCO

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The past years we were focusing on the microbial biodiversity and activity in the North Atlantic dark ocean. The research expeditions funded mainly by NWO-ALW were conducted in the frame of the Transat and Archimedes projects. Other projects included the Bade project on bacterioplankton cell death, with cruises in the Mediterranean Sea and the subtropical North Atlantic.

Furthermore we sampled the North Sea (Plume and Bloom project), parts of the Aegean Sea (MedCruise1) and the Southern Ocean (during Eifex2, the German led iron fertilization experiment expedition) for microbial diversity and activity.

We also participated in the North Atlantic Geotraces cruises and in the Pacific cruise BacGeoPac where we also focused on microbial activity between 200 and 6000 m depth.

Some meta data data can be viewed in the CODIS data inventory hosted at the NIOZ.


Microbial Data

We submitted 62 partial amoA gene sequences of deep water Archaea to GenBank with the accession numbers ranging from EU810209-EU810235 and EU795424-EU795460 and 52 unique partial 16S rRNA sequences of deep water Archaea including station metadata. The accession numbers are EU650236-EU650270 and FJ002858-FJ002876.



The metadata of Transat and Bade cruises can be freely viewed in the CODIS data inventory, hosted at the NIOZ.


Physics and Chemistry

For downloading CTD and nutrient data from CODIS inquire an account via Gerhard Herndl.